1-Ton Wisconsin River Rock

Wisconsin river rock can refer to natural stones shaped by river currents or a cast stone veneer. 
Natural river rock 
  • Rounded, smooth stones in a variety of colors
  • Created by glaciers and shifting streams over centuries
  • Can be used for landscaping, drainage, and erosion control
Wisconsin River Rock stone veneer 
  • A cast stone veneer that imitates the look of river rock
  • A blend of neutral gray and wine-colored rocks
  • Can be used for interior and exterior walls, siding, and more
  • A lighter weight and lower cost alternative to natural state
Uses for river rock 
  • LandscapingCan add texture and interest to gardens, walkways, and other landscape features
  • DrainageCan be used in French drains and dry wells to direct water away from structures
  • Water featuresCan be used to line ponds, streams, waterfalls, and fountains
  • EdgingCan be used to create a clear boundary around flower beds, gardens, and walkways
  • Rock gardensCan complement drought-resistant plants and succulents
  • XeriscapingCan be used in areas prone to drought to reduce water usage