1-Ton Rip-Rap 8"-12"
Riprap is a layer of large, angular stones used to protect soil from erosion. It's often used for channel and ditch banks, streambanks, and shorelines.
- To protect soil from erosion caused by concentrated runoff, wave action, or high flows
- To stabilize slopes that are unstable due to seepage
- To slow the velocity of concentrated runoff
- To armor, stabilize, and protect the soil surface
How it's used
- Riprap is fitted into place without mortar
- The rough angular surfaces of the rocks allow them to fit together to form a dense layer of protection
When to use
- Riprap should be used as a last resort
- Riprap should only be used where necessary and never to replace a stable, naturally vegetated shoreline
Riprap varieties
- Riprap R3 and R4 are some of the smallest varieties available
- Riprap R5 and R6 are the most versatile varieties
- Riprap R7 and R8 are the largest varieties of rip rap
Delivery is $79 one flat rate per dump out.