1-Ton Gabion


Gabions are wire baskets filled with rocks or soil that are used for landscaping, erosion control, and more. The word "gabion" comes from the Italian word gabbione, which means "big cage". 


  • LandscapingGabions can be used to create retaining walls, slopes, and other landscape elements. 
  • Erosion controlGabions can be used to prevent erosion in streambanks and steep slopes. 
  • Noise barriersGabions can be used to reduce noise from busy roads and nearby houses. 
  • MilitaryGabions can be used to protect soldiers from enemy fire.
  • Road building: Gabions can be used to support roadways 
  • X-ray protection: Gabions can be used for X-ray protection during customs inspections. 



    How they work
    Gabions are made of a hexagonal mesh of galvanized steel wire. The stones and rocks within the mesh interlock to provide stability, and the weight of the gabions resists hydraulic and earth forces. 
    • Gabions are flexible and less likely to fracture than traditional materials like brick and stone.
    • Gabions are aesthetically pleasing.
    • Gabions can be vegetated.


    Delivery is $79 one flat rate per dump out.